Thursday, February 22, 2007

Would I switch to a Mac after Vista is released?

Originally Posted: 2007-01-24 @ 10:09:04 am

My friend Ben and I got into this conversation. We were talking about the new Mac announcement set for Feb. 20th. I told him about the possible rumors set abound with Leopard, iLife '07, the 8-core Mac's and such.

Then he mentioned the oddest thing which I dared not ask in detail because that would be a conversation and a half. He then told me that if I could piece together a laptop from scratch, then he would give Windows (Vista) a positive thought. It really baffled me as to why I would piece together a laptop from scratch. Even Mac computers aren't pieced together from scratch. They're all manufactured (OEM) from Apple, not companies like Dell, HP, etc. I will ask him about the details about it later. Either way, I told him that my next laptop would not be a PC but instead a Mac.

My reasoning behind it is because I can not only have the Mac OS on it, but I can load Linux and Windows (respectably). A little hard core to have 3 OS' on a laptop, but it's something i'm interested in doing. Having an 8-core Mac to play on.. is well.. like having an ant killed with a sledgehammer. Who wouldn't want that sort of power available. It definately would not become obsolete in the new few years, but it seems that hardware is caught up to their software predicessors.

Ben may be an Apple buff, but Apple does know where to put their money where their mouth is. I don't know, I guess I need to be diversed. I haven't really played with a Mac, just Windows and Linux. Don't get me wrong, I can get around in a Mac, but it's something that I definately need to get my feet wet in.

Would I use Vista when it's released. Well, you won't catch me in the Vista line. I'm already using Vista Ultimate (RC2--maybe..) but i'm not eager to rush out to get an OS that is a few hundred bucks. Yes, you can get OEM version on ebay but i'm not too excited to get out there yet. I'll wait, my Vista is just fine the way it is. Same goes with Linux on my laptop (although the flash doesn't work too well on Linux, but that's a known issue in the Linux community).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After switching to a dual core mac. i put on it mac boot camp. i have windows xp and mac osx. having more options in life is never a bad thing. i mostly stick to mac side as it can multi task a lot better.